My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Final Score - 5 I'm Gutted Stars!
Omg this book! Where do I even begin without giving away anything that's happened? I can't, so I won't. I'll just say that I'm still very much shocked at the events that unfolded in this story. This was truly a lesson in love, forgiveness, honor, and family.
I adored the hell out this story - it truly put me through a ring of emotions, as the best ones only could. Simply put - I loved it so much! Even when it made me cry the ugly cry, made me cry and scream in anger and frustration, I loved it. The lessons I took from this story is that not everything is in black and white - there's a lot of grey, and even in the grey it gets cloudy. I also learned that to love deeply, you need to take chances and sometimes risk your heart.
This story will be with me for a while yet. Excellent writing Ms. Ann, I can't believe this is my first novel of yours I've read (I do have others, but with an ever growing ARC list, well ... yannow *wink*). I very much look forward to reading more her in the future.
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