My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Final Score - 4 Stars!
I fell in love with this story. It was brass, sassy, heated, sexy, and totally yummy! Whitney and Liam are ... gah! I want to be her, and why do men like Liam not exist in neck of the world?! *sad face*
There's two things, however, I would change. The first being the situation with Whitney and her parents. In the beginning, it mentions he dad is no longer around, but at the end of the story, he is - add that to the fact that her relationship with her parents isn't really explained, it left me feeling a bit confused about why they were so negative towards her. I believe this needs to be dealt with or others will wonder as well.
The other thing I would change is adding an epilogue (although the last chapter isn't identified as such, it should be).
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