Review: A Gift of Time

A Gift of Time A Gift of Time by Beth Flynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Final Score - 5 Heartbroken, but my Heart is also Healed & Uplifted Stars

*received ARC from author in exchange for an honest review*

I really need to sleep on this one ... it'll be a long peeps! I'm still ALL over the place about how exactly I feel about what went down.

Lots of story-lines were tied up and a possible spin off was introduced ;)

What I took away was this -

I felt this story was about two heart finding their way back to each other, without the lies and half truths, the violence of the gang, living for the future while remembering not to repeat the mistakes of the past. That was paramount from the beginning of the series, to this ending of this book.

I also found Ginny more self-assertive and feisty in this book. And I loved that about her. She truly found out who she was - without Grizz and Tommy. She came into her own and wasn't backing down this time. She wasn't going to be kept in the dark any longer and no longer was she happy to place herself there - she wanted truth and was given it.

The best part of the story to me was the family dynamics. Finally finding what has always truly been desired - without really knowing it - FAMILY. Getting a second chance not only with loved ones, but with those that were left behind as well. A chance to make things right.

I cried during several parts of this story, especially at the end of the first part. Had me bawling tears, I actually had to put the book down for an hour or so to calm myself down enough to finish the rest. Beth wrote a beautiful piece about "going home" and realizations. #‎truth‬

Simply put - EVERYTHING that I could have possibly want to happen - HAPPENED.

Thank you Beth for writing this book and being true to the outcome you always saw happening. <3

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