My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Final Score - 4.5 I'm Still Reeling Stars!
Whoa! I've literally just finished reading this book and that's my first thought afterward - W-H-O-A! I saw some of the parts coming (if you paid attention, you would too) and the others weren't much of a shock as much as I was left wondering ... How could they ever move forward from this?
Troy. What can I say about him that already hasn't been said? I understand his reasoning for what his does - wouldn't you want revenge against the person who took someone important away from you? But his actions and the methods he uses... that's what Sparrow has so much trouble with. And how do you rationalize falling for a person you perceive to be a monster & reconcile that?
Sparrow. She understands him - they grew up in the same neighborhood - so much more than anyone else really. She's got the same thought processes as he does, some of the same codes... but she knows that being tough, doesn't mean you have to be cruel. Sparrow has much more of a moral compass than Troy and that's what ultimately brings them together - her fire to his ice - and eventually what nearly tears them apart.
I could not put this book down - and being sick didn't deter me! I finished it and loved every minute of it. I only wish there was still more for me to read. This book ended on a positive note, very different from how it first started, but nevertheless it is complete and I'm happy with that. I would just love read what happens to Sam in the coming years...
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